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- //pixel shader to sample texture and environment map and mixes with material color
- //combines a fixed bump image with a procedurally generated one for tiny ripples
- //has projective reflections
- //Luke Lenhart
- //(C)2004-2005 Digipen Institute of Technology
- //time since whenever
- float time;
- //magnitude of ripples (recommend from 0.75f to 1.5f)
- float ripMag;
- //base texture
- //sampler sampTex;
- //cube texture
- sampler sampCube;
- //projective reflection texture
- sampler sampProjRefl;
- //
- struct PS_INPUT
- {
- //float2 Tex0 : TEXCOORD0;
- float3 EnvTex : TEXCOORD1;
- float4 Clr : COLOR;
- float3 Pos : TEXCOORD2;
- float4 ProjTxt : TEXCOORD3;
- float CamDist : TEXCOORD4;
- float CamDist2 : TEXCOORD5;
- //float FogClr : TEXCOORD6;
- };
- float4 PShader(PS_INPUT In) : COLOR
- {
- //calc wave offset 0 and 1
- float3 tmpW0sin, tmpW0cos;
- sincos(2*time+In.Pos,tmpW0sin,tmpW0cos);
- float3 normWave=sin(tmpW0sin+(In.Pos.y)/In.CamDist);
- //combine waves to use as normal modifier
- float3 normOff;
- normOff.x=100*(sin(In.CamDist*0.1f)/In.CamDist)*(tmpW0sin.y);
- normOff.y=100*(cos(In.CamDist*0.1f)/In.CamDist)*(tmpW0sin.x);
- normOff.z=1.0f;
- normOff*=ripMag*0.05f;
- //calc proj text warp
- float4 projTxtWaved=In.ProjTxt;
- float2 projMod=sin(time*8.5f+In.CamDist*0.23f)*float2(0.5f,0.4f)*(10.0f/In.CamDist2);
- projTxtWaved.xy=In.ProjTxt.xy+projMod;
- //combine env map, color map sample, and projective texture sample
- //float4 clrPlain=tex2D(sampTex,time+In.Tex0);
- float4 clrEnv=texCUBE(sampCube,normOff+In.EnvTex);
- float4 clrProjRefl=tex2Dproj(sampProjRefl,projTxtWaved);
- float4 clr=float4(0.06f,0.135f,0.3f,0) + 0.85f*clrEnv + 0.6f*clrProjRefl;
- //apply vert color
- clr*=In.Clr;
- //add fog color
- //clr.xyz+=In.FogClr;
- //set alpha from vert color
- clr.a=In.Clr.a;
- return clr;
- }